Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Adventures of Recovering

Here's a picture of me coming out of the hospital on Tuesday morning. I personally think it should be illegal for someone to look this great 24 hours after surgery. I can't believe that my hair survived laying in that hospital bed! I didn't even brush it!! I wish it looked that good now! I'm hoping that I can get it washed and have Victoria do it for me today. I'm so tired of looking like a bedhead!

Tuesday evening Sam came up to me and showed me a little bump on the back of his head that "doesn't belong there." I looked at it and really didn't think anything of it. I put a little Neosporin on it and sent him on his way. Then a few minutes later he was back by me. I think he was wanting to be close and needing a little mommy time and attention. I put my hand right on his back and rubbed it. I immediately said that someone needed to turn on the lights because I thought Sam might have the chicken pox, and sure enough... by the next morning he was covered. Really he's done super well, and I'm pretty sure he'll be back to school tomorrow.

Then, I was lamenting the fact that Emilee hadn't had the chicken pox and two weeks later we'd be doing it all over again. Well, by Thursday night she was starting to break out too! I'm so perplexed as to where they got them. I haven't heard of anyone with them, so I can't figure out where they were both exposed to them at the same time.

Poor Emilee is pretty miserable right now! She's "wanted" chicken pox anytime she's heard about someone having them, but now she's decided that she could have passed on this experience. I'm so grateful that this happened now...I can't imagine how hard it would have been if I was going through chemo. I wouldn't have been able to be around them.

I'm doing pretty well though. I continue to feel stronger every day. I haven't taken a pain pill since Friday, and even then I only took 1/2 or 1 each day after my surgery. I take Tylenol a couple of times a day since that seems to do more for me than Motrin.

Tomorrow I meet with the radiologist and the oncologist. I'm very anxious to hear what they say since we know everything about the tumors and my lymph nodes now. There are no more ifs or maybes. I will post when I know and I'm up to it. Tomorrow will be a real test of my endurance. It will probably wear me out to be up and about.

Thursday I see Dr Moline and hopefully get my drains out. Can I say I really HATE my drains!?! They are the worst part of this whole thing! They both have very little fluid so I'm hopeful that she will take them out. When my drains are gone I think I'm healed up enough to wear a regular bra again so I can start wearing normal clothes and feeling normal again. Oh, and I'll get to shower again. Then I'll be able to do my hair and look and feel (and smell) normal again!!

Thank you for all of the votes for our video! I'm pretty sure as long as no one else enters in the next week and a half we will win!! So keep on voting!

1 comment:

  1. Your video is for sure going to win! I'm still voting everyday nonetheless. :) So sorry about Sam and Emily. Hope you're all feeling better this week!
