Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who says the 13th is bad!?!

Today is such a great day!! It's the second best thing that could happen to us on October 13th! (For those of you who don't know today is Sam's Birthday) I got news today that my BRCA gene testing came back negative. I do not have the BRCA gene (the gene) that causes breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer so I know that I don't have it and I didn't pass it on to my kids! big piece of the puzzle complete. Now we just keep praying for good surgery results.


  1. Hooray! So nice to get a really great piece of news.

  2. Hey 13 isn't that unlucky-Dean and I went on our 1st date on Friday the 13th (1970)and we're still hanging in there! You hang in there too!! My thoughts and prayers are with you daily!! Happy Birthday Hugs to you early--miss you lots! Your neighbor always, Donna

  3. So glad to hear how things are going and especially that you are not a gene carrier - yeah!!! Thinking of you and wishing you an awesome birthday in 1 hour and 33 minutes!
